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Generator - The Basics

Published: 2017-01-07

I’ve been wanting to write articles about generators for quite some time. Generator is definitely one of my favorite features in Python. Ever since I stopped treating Python like other programming languages, e.g. Java or C++, I start having so much fun writing codes. Unlike other very powerful features (decorators, context managers, or classes) that I sometimes abused a lot, Generators don’t ever seemed to be too much in my code. They have strong purpose in the code, and are very beautiful in the codes. In this article, I’ll explain the basics things about generators. At the end, I’ll show you how to use it to solve some problems.

1. Why do I need to know generators?

There’re two categories of use cases:

  1. To generate a series of data
  2. To pause code execution

For category #1, you might think “why we need another tool while we already know how to write lists to store a series of data?” There are three reasons: 1) list can’t solve all problems, 2) performance, and 3) code style.

  1. List can’t solve all problems. In the cases that we have a infinite series of data (e.g. generating prime numbers,) or the series of data that we can’t tell when it’ll stop (e.g. parsing log files that still are adding more entries,) there’s no easy way to extract this part of code into a function that returns a list. On the other hand, generators are perfectly fine for these jobs.
  2. Performance. Space-wise, if the data series consumer just need one data point at a time, why waste the memory to hold the entire copy of the data series? Time-wise, if the data consumer does not require all the data to be present to do the next thing, why waste time to wait till all data are at hand while you can pass on the data to do work at the same time? Generators are good for both cases.
  3. Code style. This is a bit opinionative. I feel coding with generators is usually cleaner and easier to understand then functions without them. Also opinionative, usually a generator code is a hint of outputting a series of data. Therefore, I have some idea of what the code is doing even without looking at the code line-by-line.

For category #2, this is something very powerful. Normal functions, or called subroutines, execute line by line till they return control to the caller. Generators, or a coroutine, execute till they yield a value to the caller and pause the current state until their caller invoke them again to resume the execution. My favorite examples for this case is the @contextlib.contextmanager decorator in 20 Python libraries you aren’t using (but should) and also David Beazley’s incredible live demo in PyCon 2015 -Python Concurrency From the Ground Up: LIVE!.

2. What are generators?

Python’s generator is a special case of coroutine. If looking at the proper definition gives you an headache, my way of understanding it is - generators are functions that don’t return. I admit there are many flaws in my definition, but this definition helps me to understand some key concepts. Ask yourself a question, what does return mean?

return means to return control to the caller. Python virtual machine is a stack machine. When a function is called, a frame object is PUSH onto the execution stack. This frame object is a mini environment for the function. Having this enclosing mini environment, the function could have its own variables without worrying about variable names colliding with the outer environment. When the function returns, the frame object is POPPED from the stack. All the variables sitting inside the mini environment are gone. The caller regains full control and continues.

Generators, however, do not return full control to the caller. Instead, they pause (or yield.) Thus, the mini environment of the generators, are still sitting somewhere in the memory, waiting to be invoked.

Before I bored you to death with all the descriptions, let’s see some code example.

Just like functions are objects in Python, generators are also objects. They are special objects that looks very similar to regular function definitions but behaves very differently:

def a_function():
    return True

def a_generator():
    yield True

>>> a_function()

>>> a_generator()
<generator object a_generator at 0x...>

When generator objects are created, they don’t start executing immediately. Generator objects, like a_generator(), follow the Iterator Protocol. So to invoke them, you can use the builtin function next()

>>> g = a_generator()
>>> next(g)
>>> next(g)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

Not only do generators are iterators, they are also iterables! (You can know more about the distinction between iterables and iterators from Ned Batchelder - Loop like a native: while, for, iterators, generators.) The builtin iter function call simply returns the generator itself, which is a iterator:

>>> iter(g) is g

Thus, all the builtin functions and external APIs that takes iterables as input, works for generators! (This is one of the most exciting realization I had while learning Python.) Keep this in mind. We’re counting on it for the next section.

3. How do I use generators?

Recall that I said generators are good to generate a series of data. Thus, using generators with loops is a good idea:

def best_burger_generator():
    yield 'bun'
    yield 'veggies'
    for i in range(2):
        yield 'patty'
        yield 'cheese'
    yield 'sause'
    yield 'onion'
    yield 'bun'

>>> doubledouble_recipe = best_burger_generator()
>>> list(doubledouble_recipe)
['bun', 'veggies', 'patty', 'cheese', 'patty', 'cheese', 'sause', 'onion', 'bun']

Or to generate an infinite series of data:

def perfect_24_7_drive_thru():
    while True:
        yield 'doubledouble and animal fries'

>>> drive_thru = perfect_24_7_drive_thru()
>>> next(drive_thru)
'doubledouble and animal fries'
>>> next(drive_thru)
'doubledouble and animal fries'
>>> # forever and ever satisfaction

Recall what I said, generators are iterables. Thus, be confident to iterate through them or plug them into functions that takes iterables:

# loop through the generator with a for-loop
>>> for ingredient in best_burger_generator():
...     print(ingredient)
# rests

# use API that take an iterable
>>> from collections import Counter
>>> ingredients = Counter(best_burger_generator())
>>> ingredients
Counter({'bun': 2, 'patty': 2, 'cheese': 2, 'veggies': 1, 'sause': 1, 'onion': 1})

4. Generator in action

To demonstrate some examples using generators, I’m going to show you how to solve problems without them, and then with them, so we could compare the different flavors.

Fibonacci number series

Assuming we have a function to calculate the incredible series of data - the first n fibonacci numbers. This is the recursive solution most of us learned (with caching to get some performance):

# Recursive solution to get the first 10 fibonacci numbers
import functools

def fibonacci(nth):
    "Calculate the nth fibonacci number."
    if nth < 2:
        return 1
    return fibonacci(nth-2) + fibonacci(nth-1)

def fibonacci_series(n):
    result = []
    for i in range(n):
    return result

>>> fibonacci_series(10)
[1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55]

And here’s an iterative solution with generator:

# Iterative solution to get the first 10 fibonacci numbers using generator
def fibonacci_generator(nth):
    "Yield the first nth fibonacci number."
    n, m = 0, 1
    for _ in range(nth):
        yield m
        n, m = m, n+m

>>> f = fibonacci_generator(10)
>>> list(f)
[1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55]

I love recursion. I think they are elegant and beautiful. However, I do find the generator version of the solution much easier for my brain. If you only compare the fibonacci function and the fibonacci_generator function, the difference may not be significant, and the coding style really depends on personal preferences. So I say it’s a draw. Let’s look at other examples.

Sliding window

Given a sequence and the window size, an example of sliding window function’s input-output pair is: > 'ABCDEF', size=2 -> 'AB', 'BC', 'CD', 'DE', 'EF'

A naive iterative solution is:

def sliding_window(sequence, size):
    result = []
    for i in range(len(sequence)-size+1):
    return result

>>> sliding_window('ABCDEF', 2)
['AB', 'BC', 'CD', 'DE', 'EF']

A generator approach is:

def sliding_window(sequence, size):
    for i in range(len(sequence)-size+1):
        yield sequence[i:i+size]

>>> list(sliding_window('ABCDEF', 2))
['AB', 'BC', 'CD', 'DE', 'EF']

This example I think the generator approach is significantly better than the other. First off, the code is much cleaner. Second, the purpose of the sliding window function is to be consumed by another function, one-at-a-time. Why keep duplicates hanging around in memory?

Say, you have a large data set for a machine learning model. The sliding window is used to segment the data for training and cross validation. Data A for training while B for cross validation; then, B for training, C for cross validation. In this case, you really don’t need all the other data while working on the current one.

5. Conclusion

Being fluent in using generators is one of the things that took my Python to the next level. They are expressive, cleaner, and for most of the time, more efficient.

6. Action

Next time when you’re writing some Python code, if there’s a function that need to return a sequence of data, think if it make sense to refactor it as a generator function.

And for your own study, take a look at the Python official document page 10.1 itertools. There are lots of examples of using the yield expression.

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