Implementing an Event-Driven ClojureScript mini-framework with core.async
Published: 2021-07-18
This was my experiment of re-implementing a lighter version of the popular ClojureScript front-end framework, re-frame
, for the purpose of studying.[^1] A demo project of the result can be found here - mini-reframe
. In the project README, you can see the section “Self-guided source code tour” if you like to read the code. In this post, I’d walk you through the steps of implementing it from scratch.
Disclaimer: It is not my goal to convince you to implement your own re-frame
from scratch for your apps. I merely wanted to share what I learned from re-frame
by replicating what I deem to be its most essential concepts in this tutorial-like article.
If you come to this article wondering whether to use re-frame
or just roll your own framework, please use re-frame
If you are pretty familiar with using re-frame
, never looked at its source code, and wondering what’s happening under the cover, this article is for you.
To get started, you need a ClojureScript project and preferably any live-reloading tool like figwheel-main
or shadow-cljs
. If you are starting from scratch, using figwheel-main
is a good option.
Once your project is ready, add the following dependencies if you haven’t done so already:
Why event-driven?
The way I see it, an event-driven architecture is modeling after systems that need to handle concurrent events by separating the when (it happens) from the what (to do about it). Take web UIs for example. Browser JavaScript uses this model to handle mouse events, keyboard events, focus events, etc., internally in the event loop. We can define what to do on receiving certain events and let the browser figure out when those events happen.
Nowadays, apps can be complex. Sometimes the mouse and keyboard events might not be the right level of abstraction for an app. You might want the events to be more abstract such as a “user-agrees-to-terms-of-service” event or a “server-cannot-validate-user-credentials” event. In this case, an application level event-driven framework, such as re-frame
, would be helpful.
We are going to build one for ourselves today.
Core event loop
at its core runs the EventQueue
that is implemented as a finite state machine (FSM for short). You can find the source here if you are interested. The finite states of the EventQueue
are: :idle
, :scheduled
, :running
, or :paused
. it maintains a queue of events and handle
s the events one at a time.
Instead of implementing our own FSM from scratch, we’ll be using core.async
, “a Clojure library providing facilities for async programming and communication.” Interestingly enough, under the covers core.async creates a state machine to turn synchronous / blocking looking code into asynchronous / non-blocking code. [^2] Using the state machine provided by core.async
to implement our event queue FSM seems to me that we are on the right track.
A naive implementation is to run an infinite go-loop
that will park (pause) the execution at the input event channel:
(require '[clojure.core.async :as a])
(def events-ch (a/chan)) ; The input event channel
(a/go-loop []
(let [event (a/<! events-ch)] ; Park the execution till receiving an event
;; Do something ...
(js/console.log event)
The Inversion-of-Control (IoC) happens at the async take function (a/<!
). Only when an event is put onto the channel will the go-loop
continue executing the rest of its body until it is parked again.
Next, we’ll be re-implementing some of the re-frame.core
functions, following re-frame
’s data loop [^3] concept.
Event dispatching
For event dispatching, all we need is to put events onto the shared events-ch
(defn dispatch!
(a/put! events-ch event))
(dispatch! [:event-name :event-data]))
I dig the re-frame’s convention that every event is a vector of [EVENT_TYPE EVENT_DATA...]
so from the rest of the article, an event
is a vector.
Event handling
Once the core event loop received an event
, we’ll need to decide what to do with it. re-frame
has a great way to push the side effects to the application boundary by adding an extra layer of indirection between events and their effects. Side effects only happen in a very controlled manner, and effect handlers can be entirely descriptive pure functions. This is what we are going to do too!
Event handlers receive two arguments, the snapshot of the current app-state, the db
, and the event
vector. Depending on your tastes, there are many ways to handle events. You need a mechanism to dispatch the functionalities based on the event
type, which is the first element in the event
. Here are a couple of options for you:
;; 1. Implemented as a case form
(defn handle-event
[db [event-type & event-data :as event]]
(case event-type
:event-1 (fn [db event] ...)
:event-2 (fn [db event] ...)))
;; 2. Implemented as a multimethod
(defmulti handle-event (fn [_db event] (first event)))
(defmethod handle-event :event-1
[db event]
;; 3. Implemented as a map
(def event-handlers
{:event-1 (fn [db event] ...)
:event-2 (fn [db event] ...)})
(defn handle-event
[db event-handlers [event-type & _event-params :as event]]
((event-handlers event-type) db event))
I prefer to implement the handlers using the 3rd option because that feels more portable to me.
Effect (fx
) handling
In the section above, we haven’t defined what the event handler functions return. Again, learning from our beloved project re-frame
, it’s a good idea that our event handlers return a descriptive map of effects, such as:
effect to mutate the app-state ratom,:dispatch
effect to dispatch another event:http
effect to handle AJAX,
Unlike event handlers, which are pure functions, the effect handlers are messier that it receives the app-state ratom as an argument and can cause side effects. Although they are side-effect-y, their implementations are pretty predictable. Out-of-the-box re-frame
provides several of the standard effect handlers like :db
and :dispatch
Below is an example of using a plain map to implement our fx-handlers
. Again, there are many ways to write the effect handling logic as we did for event handling.
(defn do-db!
[page-state _effect-key new-db]
(when-not (identical? new-db @page-state)
(reset! page-state new-db)))
(defn do-dispatch!
[_page-state _effect-key event-v]
(dispatch! event-v))
(def fx-handlers
{:db do-db!
:dispatch do-dispatch!})
(defn handle-fx!
[state fx-handlers {:keys [db] :as effects-map}]
;; Do the :db effect before any other effects
(when db
((fx-handler :db) state :db db))
(doseq [[effect-key effect-value] (dissoc effects-map :db)]
((fx-handler effect-key) state effect-key effect-value)))
Revisit the core event loop
Previously, we conveniently hide the details in the core event loop. Let’s get back to it now since we (sort of) implemented the handle-event
and handle-fx!
(require '[reagent.core :as r])
(defonce app-state (r/atom {}))
(a/go-loop []
(let [event (a/<! events-ch)
fxs (handle-event @app-state event-handlers event)]
(handle-fx! app-state fx-handlers fxs)
We finally declared our app state ratom to use it in the event handlers and the effect handlers. Interestingly, we ended up with a very straightforward transducer that transduces an event
to fxs
, then to side effects, and finally discards the return value. If you are interested in the transducer implementation you can find it here in the repo.
Query subscription
Since we don’t want to re-render the whole app when we only touched a particular part of the app-state, we need to be more specific. re-frame.core/subscribe
is a nice API to do such a thing. Under the hood, the API returns a reagent.ratom/Reaction
for you and handles caching so you don’t run the same subscription handler twice. Reaction
is how we avoid re-rendering the whole app because it only signals a re-rendering when its body updates. Although Reaction
s are a powerful tool, we should not use them directly inside a form-1 component.[^3]
For simplicity, we’ll pre-calculate every subscription in a subscription map. Although we cannot create subscriptions lazily since every subscription is bound at compile time, we also don’t have to worry about caching and the problem with component life-cycle. Here’s an example of subscriptions in the demo project:
(def subscribe
{:h (reagent.ratom/make-reaction
#(str "H - " (or (get-in @page-state [:h]) 0)))
:j (reagent.ratom/make-reaction
#(str "j - " (or (get-in @page-state [:j]) 0)))
:k (reagent.ratom/make-reaction
#(str "k - " (or (get-in @page-state [:k]) 0)))
:l (reagent.ratom/make-reaction
#(str "L - " (or (get-in @page-state [:l]) 0)))
:http (reagent.ratom/make-reaction
#(str "Server status - "
(name (or (get-in @page-state [:http]) :unknown))))})
View and DOM
With the functions we’ve built so far, the app page can now look like this:
(defn main []
[:h1 "App"]
[:button {:on-click #(dispatch! [:clicked {:element :h}])} "H"]
[:button {:on-click #(dispatch! [:clicked {:element :j}])} "J"]
[:button {:on-click #(dispatch! [:clicked {:element :k}])} "K"]
[:button {:on-click #(dispatch! [:clicked {:element :l}])} "L"]
[:button {:on-click #(dispatch! [:reset])} "Reset"]
[:li @(subscribe :h)]
[:li @(subscribe :j)]
[:li @(subscribe :k)]
[:li @(subscribe :l)]]
[:p @(subscribe :http)]])
Putting it all together
Our app can now look like this:
(ns ^:figwheel-hooks
[clojure.core.async :as a]
[goog.dom :as gdom]
[reagent.core :as r]
[reagent.dom :as rdom]
(def events-ch (a/chan))
(defn dispatch! [event]
(a/put! events-ch event))
(defonce app-state (r/atom {}))
(def subscribe
{:h (reagent.ratom/make-reaction
#(str "H - " (or (get-in @app-state [:h]) 0)))
:j (reagent.ratom/make-reaction
#(str "j - " (or (get-in @app-state [:j]) 0)))
:k (reagent.ratom/make-reaction
#(str "k - " (or (get-in @app-state [:k]) 0)))
:l (reagent.ratom/make-reaction
#(str "L - " (or (get-in @app-state [:l]) 0)))
:http (reagent.ratom/make-reaction
#(str "Server status - "
(name (or (get-in @app-state [:http]) :unknown))))})
(defn handle-init
[_db _event]
{:http {:method :get
:url "http://localhost:1111"
:on-success [:good-http-result]
:on-failure [:bad-http-result]}})
(defn handle-good-http-result
[db [_event-type data]]
{:db (assoc db :http (:body data))})
(defn handle-bad-http-result
[db [_event-type data]]
{:db (assoc db :http (:body data))})
(defn handle-clicked
[db [_event-type {:keys [element] :as _data}]]
{:db (update db element inc)})
(defn handle-reset
[db _event]
{:db (dissoc db :h :j :k :l)})
(def event-handlers
{:init handle-init
:good-http-result handle-good-http-result
:bad-http-result handle-bad-http-result
:clicked handle-clicked
:reset handle-reset})
(defn handle-event
[db event-handlers [event-type & _event-params :as event]]
((event-handlers event-type) db event))
(defn do-db!
[page-state _effect-key new-db]
(when-not (identical? new-db @page-state)
(reset! page-state new-db)))
(defn do-http!
[_page-state _effect-key {:keys [_method _url on-success on-failure]}]
(if (zero? (rand-int 3))
;; Simulate HTTP failures once out of every 3 tries
#(dispatch! (conj on-failure {:body :bad}))
(+ 2000 (rand-int 1000)))
#(dispatch! (conj on-success {:body :good}))
(+ 2000 (rand-int 1000)))))
(defn do-dispatch!
[_page-state _effect-key event-v]
(dispatch! event-v))
(def fx-handlers
{:db do-db!
:http do-http!
:dispatch do-dispatch!})
(defn handle-fx!
[state fx-handlers {:keys [db] :as effects-map}]
;; Do the :db effect before any other effects
(when db
((fx-handlers :db) state :db db))
(doseq [[effect-key effect-value] (dissoc effects-map :db)]
((fx-handlers effect-key) state effect-key effect-value)))
(a/go-loop []
(let [event (a/<! events-ch)
fxs (handle-event @app-state event-handlers event)]
(handle-fx! app-state fx-handlers fxs)
(defn main []
[:h1 "App"]
[:button {:on-click #(dispatch! [:clicked {:element :h}])} "H"]
[:button {:on-click #(dispatch! [:clicked {:element :j}])} "J"]
[:button {:on-click #(dispatch! [:clicked {:element :k}])} "K"]
[:button {:on-click #(dispatch! [:clicked {:element :l}])} "L"]
[:button {:on-click #(dispatch! [:reset])} "Reset"]
[:li @(subscribe :h)]
[:li @(subscribe :j)]
[:li @(subscribe :k)]
[:li @(subscribe :l)]]
[:p @(subscribe :http)]])
(defn get-app-element []
(gdom/getElement "app"))
(defn mount [el]
(rdom/render [main] el))
(defn mount-app-element []
(when-let [el (get-app-element)]
(mount el)))
(defn init! []
;; conditionally start your application based on the presence of an "app"
;; element this is particularly helpful for testing this ns without launching
;; the app
(dispatch! [:init])
;; specify reload hook with ^;after-load metadata
(defn ^:after-load on-reload []
There you go! That’s our event-driven framework in core.async
. Although it is quite possible to implement our own poor man’s re-frame
, I wouldn’t recommend doing it for serious work. In this article, we cut a lot of corners to get the happy codepath working. Honestly, there might be some serious bugs, or it might break your reloading workflow in some profound ways.
There is a large community behind re-frame
developing toolings and libraries around it. It’s also quite beneficial to do things the re-frame
way [^5]. If you are looking for a way to model your reagent
app using an event-driven approach, I’d recommend re-frame
I had a lot of fun studying re-frame
source code. In doing so, I got a lot more confident to use it as a dependency for my projects. Hopefully, this article will give you some ideas of what re-frame
does for you under the cover.
[^1] To be honest, I wasn’t a big fan of re-frame
before because I didn’t see the value of using a framework for managing my states while being fully capable of managing them myself. I also didn’t like having a big dependency unless I have to. After studying quite a significant bit of re-frame
’s source code (which doesn’t seem so big of a dependency anymore), I am now convinced that the cost of having it as a dependency is pretty well justified.
[^2] From [“The State Machines of core.async”]
[^3] The Six Dominoes of re-frame
’s data loop are:
- Event dispatch
- Event handling
- Effect handling
- Query
- View
[^4] From the reagent.core/reaction
New Reaction is created everytime reaction is called, so caller needs to take care that new reaction isn’t created e.g. every component render, by using with-let, form-2 or form-3 components or other solutions. Consider using reagent.core/track, for function that caches the derafable value, and can thus be safely used in e.g. render function safely.
[^5] See “6 things Reacters do that Re-framers avoid” by